Sunday, October 25, 2009

Don't just manage your money

Sometimes we only ask God when we pray to bless us with a lot of things. But we forget to ask Him to bless us so we can enjoy what we have too.

Does it really matter when you have a lot of money buy you're sick in bed? You have a nice car but you can't drive it. You have the best golf driver buy you can't go to the field.

I used to be someone who just think about earning money and never give enough attention to my health. But I've changed now. I think what money will bring if I can't enjoy it.

So I encourage all of you guys to start giving attention to you health. It's better to prevent it than curing it. =)

God bless you.


bollywood said...

When we have all if there is no time or no health to enjoyment whats the use of it. Nice feelings

Techno said...

we never forget to do what we ask after praying to god. so god will bless us and we keep working with our spirit.

Paula said...

It is vital to remember priorities such as health, it is the most precious thing we have, thank you for reminding us to look after ourselves.

easypaisa said...

SO much realistic bro . I am really impressed. Surely Money or luxuries alone can't give us happiness.

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