Thursday, October 22, 2009

Me and My naive thought

Today, I'm going to let you know the starting point of my sucessfull journey. Just like John Maxwell said, "success is a process", you can be a successful person today! How do you feel if you can live everyday of your life successfully?

Ok, so...
I was graduated in 2005, I was so naïve before thinking that I will get at least $1500/month from my father. I thought, when I get back to my home country, I will work at my father company and I will make it big! I will reconstruct the company. I said to my girl friend.

My big sister asked me, " How much do you think his monthly profit (my dad), so that he can give you $1500/ month? I stop for a while, and... I'm speechless for a while, then I replay, "maybe around $5000 to $10000 a month and when I get back, I will make his company growing hence more profit!

I arrived in my home town, I start working 1 month after I get back. I look at the "book" and surprisingly, I just found out that he didn't make that much! The company is in a stagnant condition, because my dad made a bad investment 2 or 3 years ago. Man, my dream of getting $1500 destroyed at that moment.

For your information, in my country, the average monthly earning or salary is about $200-$600, and in a rare occasion people can get $1500/month. Those things, I just found out when I get back to my country.

So now my earning is $0, because it would be impossible for me to ask money from my dad's company. So what shoud I do?

I will continue next time with my story about "PTC program called 12daily" that change my life, I got $2000 per month from referral alone! Stay tuned, see ya next time! God bless you!


Anonymous said...

Your story is really great and revealing! I have read it with a big interest. !

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