That's the story and this is the application in life. Many times in life, you look back and you regret of doing this and that. My mum always told me, "It's better to prevent it, rather than fixing it!". For me, I regret that I spend too much on my credit card. When I look at the statement, man...they are a lot! Around $1800 at that time. It's not that I can't pay $1800, but the feeling of regret is just there...=P
So from time to time, I train my self to not buying things that are not needed. So instead of regret later, I choose to hold my self. The same goes to you guys. It's easier to save money rather than earning more money right? By saving more money, means you have more in your pocket. =)
God bless, I hope it can open your mind. =)
I agree with you, save the money is better than spend it. preventing is better than fixing.
Oh, I didn't knew that I must print something at least 1 a's very interesting, thank you for information and I agree with you too that save money is better than spen it to not needed things.
By saving our money, we make it easier to budget for unexpected expenses
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